The couple

The couple

Monday, May 10, 2010

Pictures of Michelle and Greg

Here are some of our favorite pictures. For more, become Michelle and Greg's friend on Facebook.

This was Greg's surprise party. We had a blast!

We love to travel. Greg was working in Florida for a while, Michelle had to come visit. Here we are at Universal Studios.

Greg's job gave us the opportunity to visit Niagra Falls.

Here's Michelle, Kyle, Taryn, Greg, and Todd in Nashville enjoying a Jedi shot and some fried pickles.

This time, Michelle had to work in Denver, Greg followed her all the way up Mt. Evans.

Aruba, Jamaica, oooh, I wanna take you to the Kokomo! That's where we were.

Horseback riding in the Rockies.

Amy Winehouse and her white trash entourage.

Moments after Greg proposed. Love this picture.

Dinner at Morimoto before the question.

Enjoying the Cherry Blossom Fest in DC.

The Caesar's Pier, Atlantic City.

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